The Niah caves in chronological context: review of Graeme Barker (editor), Rainforest foraging and farming in Island Southeast Asia. 2013. Cambridge: McDonald Institute of Archaeological Research; ISBN: 978-1-902937-54-0; XX. 410 p. with 279 illustrations and 60 tables. £62.00 (hardback); and Graeme Barker and Lucy Farr (editors), Archaeological investigations in the Niah Caves, Sarawak. 2016. Cambridge: McDonald Institute of Archaeological Research; ISBN: 978-1-902937-60-1; XXX, 562 p., with 298 illustrations, 115 tables, and aCD-ROM (with an additional XV, 339 p., 76 illustrations and 82 tables). £65.00 (hardback)
by: Kuzmin, Yaroslav V.