Pion light-front wave function, parton distribution and the electromagnetic form factor

We derive the lowest-order qq valence light-front wave function for the pion with Lz = 0 and |Lz| = 1, which reproduces its valence parton distribution and the electromagnetic form factor consistent with data.

Bibliographic Details
Published in:Journal of physics G: Nuclear and particle physics Vol. 42, № 9. P. 095005 (1-8)
Corporate Author: Томский государственный университет Физический факультет Научные подразделения ФФ
Other Authors: Gutsche, Thomas, Schmidt, Ivan A, Vega, Alfredo, Lyubovitskij, Valery E.
Format: Article
Online Access:http://vital.lib.tsu.ru/vital/access/manager/Repository/vtls:000535871
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