Равенство полов Акты семинаров. 32

Bibliographic Details
Format: Book
Published: Страсбург Совет Европы 1989-
Online Access:Перейти в каталог НБ ТГУ
Table of Contents:
  • "La democratie paritaire-Quarante annees d'activite du Conseil de l'Europe". Actes du seminare (1989); "Action against traffic in women and forced prostitution as violations of human rights and human dignity". Proceedings of the Seminar (1991); "Promoting equality: a common issue for men and women". International Seminar: proceedings (1997); Actes du seminare sur la contribution des medias a la promotion de l'egalite entre les femmes et les hommes (Strasbourg, 21-23 juin 1983)