Laboratory Manual for Practical Biochemistry: tutorial for students studying in the basic vocational and educational programs - specialty programs: "General Medicine" and "Pediatrics"/

Biochemistry is a constantly changing and evolving academic discipline that requires continuous study to keep one's knowledge current. The practical book is written in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education for students studying in the basic voca...

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Главные авторы: Носарева, О. Л. биохимия 19771006 Ольга Леонидовна (Автор), Степовая, Е. А. биохимия, патофизиология 19651013 Елена Алексеевна (Автор), Федорова, Т. С. биохимия 19330611 Татьяна Сергеевна (Автор), Тимин, О. А. биохимия 19661310 Олег Алексеевич (Автор), Шахристова, Е. В. биохимия 19860827 Евгения Викторовна (Автор), Спирина, Л. В. биохимия 19781005 Людмила Викторовна (Автор), Серебров, В. Ю. биохимия 19521210 Владимир Юрьевич (Автор)
Соавтор: Сибирский медицинский университет(Томск)
Другие авторы: Акбашева, О. Е. биохимия 19640327 Ольга Евгеньевна
Формат: Книга
Публикация: Tomsk: Siberian State Medical University 2019
Online-ссылка:Перейти в каталог НМБ СибГМУ
Итог:Biochemistry is a constantly changing and evolving academic discipline that requires continuous study to keep one's knowledge current. The practical book is written in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education for students studying in the basic vocational and educational programs - specialty programs: "General Medicine" and "Pediatrics". There are laboratory works in each unit, which should be carried out by students duringtheir practical lessons. The methods presented in the tutorial are used in clinical diagnostic laboratories. They assist the physician to diagnose the disease and to monitor the efficacy of treatment. Each unit is divided into several parts: questions for self-study, test tasks and case studies for testing the knowledge gained. The tutorial contributes to the formation of professional competencies, as well as the identification of the patient's basic pathologies, clinical signs, disease syndromes, nosologies.
Объем:174 p.: a-il.
Библиография:Bibliogr.: p. 148 (5 titles) ; Annexes: p. 149-171