Introduction to superfluidity and superconductivity Учебное пособие

These notes have appeared as a result of a one-term course hi superfluidity and superconductivity given by the author to fourth-year undergraduate students and first-year graduate students of the Department of Physics. Moscow State University of Education. The soal was not to sive a detailed picture...

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Главный автор: Рябчун, Сергей Александрович
Формат: Книга
Публикация: Москва Московский педагогический государственный университет 2017
Online-ссылка:ЭБС Знаниум
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Итог:These notes have appeared as a result of a one-term course hi superfluidity and superconductivity given by the author to fourth-year undergraduate students and first-year graduate students of the Department of Physics. Moscow State University of Education. The soal was not to sive a detailed picture of these two macroscopic quantum phenomena with an extensive coverage of the experimental background and all the modem developments but rather to show how the knowledge of undergraduate quantum mechanics and statistical physics could be used to discuss the basic concepts and simple problems and draw parallels between superconductivity and superfluidity'.
Объем:72 с.