Corporate Social Responsibility монография

The articles deal with the specifics of a responsible policy's implementation in respect of the employees of Russian companies and shows examples of best practices in the field of social responsibility of big business. Also the authors synthesized the main theoretical and methodological approac...

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Главный автор: Zinurova, R. I.
Другие авторы: Tuzikov, A. R., Berman, S. S., Gayazova, E. B., Avilova, V. V., Lamberova, N. А., Garafiev, I. Z., Garafieva, G. I., Frolova, I. А., Medvedeva, V. R., Ostroumov, A. P., Kurgaeva, Z. Y., Halilova, T. V., Shakirova, A. Y., Nikitina, T. H.
Формат: Книга
Публикация: Казань КНИТУ 2017
Online-ссылка:ЭБС Лань
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